You are about to start an exciting adventure filled with danger, thrills and fun! There are just a few ground rules to cover first, and then we'll be on our way.
- This adventure is designed like the old Choose Your Own Adventure books from the 1980's and 1990's. As you proceed through the plot, you will be given choices to make which will determine where the adventure goes next. The story is over 120 pages long and the choices you make will jump you forward and backward through the text. Do not be alarmed if a choice on page 15 takes you to page 87. It is supposed to work that way. Also, there are multiple endings (over 20). Some adventures will end quite quickly, while others will be much longer. Do not be discouraged if your adventure ends before you were ready. Simply go back to the beginning, make some new choices and you'll have a whole new adventure!
- Along the way, you will come across a few puzzles to solve in order to progress through the story. If you get stuck, don’t forget that the main page of this program offers you links to both a hints section and a walkthrough section that will help you get through the more difficult spots.
- Most pages have this picture of a house in the lower right corner.
Clicking on it will take you "home" to the main page where you can access the hints, the walkthrough and other links of interest.
- Throughout the story you may come across this picture of a camera in the text.
If you find it, consider yourself lucky because they are rare. Clicking on it will allow you the reader to see something that your character is looking at.
- On a final note, this is a fairly clean story, but there are some moments of sci-fi violence that are unsuitable for children. Consider this a PG-13 game.
And now that we have that out of the way, let's get started, shall we?