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Hello Tina S. It is now 2:20 AM.

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posts: 397

One of them just killed my neighbor and ATE him!

Oh, man. Oh, man oh man oh man. Guys, it was this big gray…I don't know. It was horrible. There's blood everywhere. She was going out to her car. I didn’t even know she made it. Oh, my gosh. I have to go. I have to get out of here before it comes after me. Oh, man. I'm outta here. I'm headed for my parents' place in Atlanta. . Wish me luck, guys.


posts: 671

Re: One of them just killed my neighbor and ATE him!

I'm sorry, Babe. That must have been awful. We'll be praying for you. Please sign back in as soon as you get to Atlanta!


posts: 12,911

Re: One of them just killed my neighbor and ATE him!

Be careful, kid. Drive as fast as you can and don't stop for anything or anybody. TRUST NO ONE!


posts: 397

Re: One of them just killed my neighbor and ATE him!

Be careful! Good luck!! Be safe!!!!!


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