Spiele-Titel |
Jahr |
Plattformen |
★★★ |
A Dog's Life |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
☆☆☆ |
Doug's Amazing Adventure: a slice of interactive fiction featuring Haivercraft |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
The Drunken Harlot |
2012 |
Adrift 5, Online |
★☆☆ |
Eioioio |
2012 |
Twine, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
2012 |
Glulx |
☆☆☆ |
Gifts of Phallius: The Final Sacrifice |
2012 |
TADS 2 |
☆☆☆ |
January |
2012 |
Twine, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
Magic Math Mine |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★☆☆ |
Random Life 2 |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
rat chaos |
2012 |
Twine, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
Resonance |
2012 |
ChoiceScript |
★★☆ |
Tree and Star |
2012 |
Hugo |
☆☆☆ |
Wasteland |
2012 |
ChoiceScript |
★★☆ |
Antifascista |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Black River Alpha |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
Darkness in Daytime |
2012 |
Z-Code |
★★☆ |
The Feather Grange Job |
2012 |
TADS 3 |
★★☆ |
First Times |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
Home Sweetie-Bot Home |
2012 |
◼ HTML/JavaScript |
★★★ |
IFDB Spelunking |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
★☆☆ |
Leaves |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
The Legend of the Missing Hat |
2012 |
Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Monkey Business |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Offering |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Olivia's Orphanorium |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
☆☆☆ |
Peril in Pleasantville |
2012 |
Glulx |
★☆☆ |
Room Serial |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Sloth on a Stroller |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Speculative Fiction |
2012 |
Z-Code |
☆☆☆ |
The Subtropical Server Room |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Baby tree |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Bee |
2012 |
Varytale |
☆☆☆ |
The Car and The Ocean |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Date |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★☆☆ |
Drama Class |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Endless, Nameless |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Last Survivor |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★☆☆ |
Magic Muffin - The Desert |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Makers Local and the Transdimensional Margarita Blender |
2012 |
Adrift 5, Online |
☆☆☆ |
Mrs. Crabtree's Geography Class |
2012 |
Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Nemesis Macana |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
A Place of Infinite Beauty |
2012 |
Twine, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
Quest For The Golden Lunchbox |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
The Quest For The Magic Muffin 3 |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Safe |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
The Algophilists' Penury |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
☆☆☆ |
A UFO Landing |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
Under the Bed |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
when i was shot by elephants definiteive editiom |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Zork N plus 9 |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Adventures of Houdini |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Almost Goodbye |
2012 |
Undum, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
Back to the Future: Marty Quest |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Egg and the Newbie |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
★★☆ |
Escape from Ice Station Hippo |
2012 |
Hugo |
★☆☆ |
The Halloween Horror |
2012 |
Hugo |
★★☆ |
Horatio's Story |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Jay Is Ponies |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Nautilisia |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Quest for The Magic Muffin 2 |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
The Rocket Man from the Sea |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Sleuth |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
☆☆☆ |
Space Quest! |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
The Tale of The Crazy Diaper Man |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
☆☆☆ |
The Ultimate Museum |
2012 |
Quest, ◼ Online |
★☆☆ |
when i was shot by elephants |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
when i was shot by elephants 2 super elephants |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
when i was shot by elephants conclusion: the decision |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
When I Was Shot By Elephants III |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
The White Bull |
2012 |
TADS 3 |
☆☆☆ |
The Wolf and the Seven Kids |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Bed Time |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Dig My Grave |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Dinner Bell |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Dragons and Tears I |
2012 |
Twine, ◼ Online |
★★☆ |
My Evil Twin |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Fingertips: All Alone |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Aren't You the Guy Who Hit Me in the Eye? |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Come On and Wreck My Car |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Everything Is Catching On Fire |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Fingertips: Fingertips |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Fingertips (Reprise) |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Fingertips: Hey Now, Everybody |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: I Don't Understand You |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: I Found a New Friend |
2012 |
Z-Code |
★★★ |
Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
★☆☆ |
Fingertips: I Heard a Sound |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: I Walk Along Darkened Corridors |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: I'm Having a Heart Attack |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Leave Me Alone |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Mysterious Whispers |
2012 |
◼ Glulx |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please |
2012 |
Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Something Grabbed Ahold of My Hand |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: The Day That Love Came to Play |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Fingertips: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★★ |
Fingertips: Who's Knockin' on the Wall? |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Fingertips: Who's That Standing Out the Window |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★★☆ |
Hall of Heads |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |
★☆☆ |
Hypnotist of Ladies |
2012 |
◼ Z-Code |